The TC75 for ceramic applications and TC95 for fully flexible temperature profiles comes with an elegance not known yet in this class of kiln controllers. Featuring an intuitive human interface, the controllers are highly simple to operate. Both are SuperWise App ready - have them on your smartphone or tablet right after registration.
- High resolution 2.8“ display
- 20 programs and 20 segments
- Temperature reading changes color for immediate recognition of deviations
Requires a Bentrup socket to operate.
further information can be found following this link:
BENTRUP TC 95 Wi-Fi controller
The high resolution display gives the operator access to important process data in one view - the changing colour of the main temperature is one innovative feature). Other features include a status line displaying output states, USB-Operation, www connection, etc.
No further hardware is needed, log them into your Wifi and you have access from everywere. bentrup controllers stand for reliability and simple operation since 1984. Check out the wide product range of temperature controllers on - starting at compact controllers going up to complex PLC integrated multiloop systems for the industry.